ព័ត៍មាន & ព្រឹត្តិការណ៏


2013-08-27 19:00:27
To fill the gap when project support end FWUC need external technical support from outside organization on the long run But no external organization is able to answer their practical needs at reasonable cost There is a need to build up knowledge and capacities and sustain human resources on the long run To enhance farmers’ ownership and make them become decision makers - Services focus on demand An important objective is to allow FWUC to access services which are: Good quality, professional services, Adapted to

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2013-08-27 19:00:25
The operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes require FWUC to undertake the following general functions of System operation, water management and sharing (setting up rules); Maintenance of infrastructures; Irrigation Service Fee collection; Administrative and financial management; Institutional management (decision making, election, communication with members) and External relations with other stakeholders. Looking into details, the proper implementation of these major functions requires a large variety of tasks and

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ISC target area in 2013 with financing by AFD

2013-08-27 19:00:10
ISC, is a Cambodian local NGO, established and registered at the Ministry of Interior, in December 2011. ISC is working to promote sound development of irrigation schemes in Cambodia, especially by working closely with Farmer Water User Community (FWUC) to operate and manage the irrigated infrastructure in a sustainable way. Since March 2013, ISC has signed contract agreement N° MOWRAM-2013-02-ISC as service provider with Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology hereafter called “MOWRAM” udner funding agreement “FERC:

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2013-08-24 11:48:38
Since the end of the nineties, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has initiated a policy to extend irrigated agriculture as a mean to cover food security and to alleviate poverty in the country. This policy is translated into the construction of new infrastructures and the rehabilitation of old irrigation schemes with the financial and technical support of external donors. The large majority of Cambodian farmers (80%) still depend on rainfed lowland rice cultivation during the monsoon season facing regular drought and floods

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